Overview. The International Female AHNS Endocrine Section Scholar Program is a grant designed to support a female endocrine surgeon of a developing nation as a visiting scholar in the U.S. The program enables the recipient to spend two weeks in the U.S., where they spend time with a senior female AHNS member at her host U.S. institution, as well as to attend the AHNS annual meeting. The objective is to mentor female endocrine surgeons in developing countries and build international collaborations that will help recipients overcome challenges they face in their respective nations. Past recipient have included Dr. Caroline Kirigo (Nairobi).
Application details. Selection criteria include female surgeons under the age of 40 with a specific interest/practice in Head & Neck Surgery. Applicants are asked to submit a short statement of interest (1-2 paragraphs), as well as one short letter of recommendation (1-2 paragraphs) from either a member of the AHNS or a local academic mentor in Head & Neck Surgery. Funds will support travel, accommodation, and food expenses. The selection committee will comprise members of the AHNS Endocrine Section, the AHNS Global Outreach Committee, and the Women in AHNS Committee.
Funding: This innovative, collaborative endeavor requires the ongoing support of AHNS members to continue its success! Please consider financially supporting the International Female AHNS Endocrine Section Scholar Program with a gift below.
Caption: Dr. Caroline Kirigo from Nairobi visiting the Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery at Louisiana State University in 2019. She was hosted under the mentorship of Dr. Cherie-Ann Nathan, the Jack Pou Endowed Professor and Chairman of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery at LSU, and also the AHNS president.
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