We hope you will join us for these exciting programs that can ultimately result in better outcomes and quality of life for many of your patients.
Spots are limited. Register today!
Please Note: Pre-Meeting Course registration is separate from the AHNS Annual Meeting & COSM registration. To register for the AHNS Annual Meeting at COSM, please visit the COSM Website.
2024 AHNS Innovation and Entrepreneurship Symposium *BRAND NEW COURSE!
Tuesday, May 14, 2024 at the Hyatt Regency Chicago
This symposium will be an introductory, all-day course designed for surgeons and academic physicians. It offers insights into entrepreneurship, covering key aspects such as intellectual property protection, capital raising, balancing clinical responsibilities, navigating technology transfer offices, patenting, commercialization, manufacturing, regulatory compliance, and conflict of interest management.
Learning Objectives:
- Understand and apply strategies for protecting intellectual property, including navigating the patent process and collaborating with technology transfer offices at your university.
- Develop skills in raising capital, commercializing medical innovations, and manufacturing processes, while effectively balancing clinical responsibilities.
- Gain knowledge in regulatory compliance and managing conflicts of interest, ensuring ethical and effective entrepreneurship within the healthcare sector.
Target audience: Practicing Physicians, Residents, Fellows, and Allied Health (Non-CME Course)
Head and Neck Microvascular Reconstructive Workshop
Tuesday, May 14, 2024 at the Hyatt Regency Chicago
This workshop will highlight key harvest techniques of both common and uncommon reconstructive procedures utilizing multimedia presentations, including videos and images. In the second part of the workshop, a group of experts will provide insights and pearls of wisdom as they work through defect-oriented cases of to provide solutions to some of the most challenging head and neck reconstructive defects.
Learning Objectives:
- Identify key harvest techniques of both common and uncommon head and neck reconstructive procedures.
- Understand the various reconstructive options to some of the most challenging head and neck cancer defects.
Target audience: Physicians, Residents and Fellows (Non-CME Course)
Returning for 2024: Thyroid, Parathyroid, and Neck Ultrasound Course!
Tuesday, May 14, 2024 at the Hyatt Regency Chicago
The objective of this course is to introduce the practicing surgeon to office-based ultrasound examination of the thyroid and parathyroid glands and related pathology. The distinction of normal from malignant lymphadenopathy is emphasized with a demonstration of the comprehensive examination of lymph node basins in cervical zones I-VI. The process of ultrasound guided FNA of thyroid nodules and enlarged lymph nodes is demonstrated in didactic lecture format. In addition skill sessions allow the surgeon to learn varied techniques of FNA of lesions in phantom models.
The use of patient volunteers with thyroid and parathyroid pathology and lymphadenopathy will allow supervised hands-on experience with transverse and longitudinal ultrasound methods. Participants will be instructed in the practical details and hurdles in developing office-based ultrasound.
Target audience: Practicing physicians and surgical residents