Non-CME Course – Lunch Included
May 13, 2025
The symposium will be an introductory, all-day course designed for surgeons and academic physicians. It offers insights into entrepreneurship, covering key aspects such as intellectual property protection, capital raising, balancing clinical responsibilities, navigating technology transfer offices, patenting, commercialization, manufacturing, regulatory compliance, and conflict of interest management.
Course Directors: Jose P. Zevallos, MD, MPH FACS and Baran Sumer, MD FACS
0800-0805 Welcome and Introduction– Jose P. Zevallos, MD, MPH
0805-0825 The Creative Process for Surgeons- Carl Snyderman MD
0830-0900 Now That I Have a Good Idea, How Do I Develop It? Therapeutics and Medical Devices -Peter Santa Maria MD PhD and Mohit Singhala PhD
0900-0945 PANEL: Protecting Your Idea, Disclosure and Intellectual Property Process: Alex Langerman MD (moderator), Brad Phelan (UT Southwestern), Scott Weston (Cooley)
0945-1000 AM BREAK
1000-1025 Creating Your Pitch Deck Peter Santa Maria, MD PhD
1030-1055 How to Raise Capital, from Seed to Series A and Beyond “Storytelling in Science” Baran Sumer MD
1100-1200 PANEL: Leveraging University Resources Panel – Jose P. Zevallos MD MPH (moderator), Brad Phelan, Mohit Singhala PhD, Baran Sumer MD
1200-1245 LUNCH
1200-1255 Keynote Lecture in Entrepreneurship and Innovation – Stacey Ishman, MD
Title: “My Journey from Academia to Starting Two of My Own Companies: It’s a Wide World Out There”
1300-1345 PANEL: Venture Capital Panel: Working with Surgeon Founders
Baran Sumer, MD (moderator), Tony Natale, MD, Nader Elrashidy (Cooley)
BREAK 1345-1400
1400-1500 Case studies from start-up founders:
Droplet Biosciences (Zevallos), OncoNano (Sumer), Respair (Snyderman), Alex Chanin (VisionSense)
1500-1600 PANEL: Entrepreneurship While Keeping Your Day Job
Alex Langerman, MD (moderator) Peter Santa Maria MD PhD, Chris Holsinger, MD, Stacey Ishman, MD
1600 Closing Remarks – Jose P. Zevallos, MD, MPH