AHNS Call for Abstracts
AHNS 10th International Conference on Head and Neck Cancer
“Survivorship through Quality and Innovation”
July 18-22, 2020
Hyatt Regency Chicago
Chicago, Illinois
Submit Your Abstract Now
Abstract Submission Supporting Documents:
NOTE: ALL content authors are required to disclose any financial relationship(s) with an ACCME-defined commercial interest (“industry”). AHNS considers the presenter of a proffered paper to be in control of the content. Thus, employees and owners of commercial interests may not be the presenter for abstracts submitted to AHNS meetings.
Authors are asked to choose the topic that best matches the content of their abstract:
- Cancer Biology
- Education/Care Delivery
- Endocrine Surgery
- Functional Outcomes/Quality
- Hypopharynx/Larynx
- Imaging and Screening
- Immunotherapy/Systemic Therapy
- Nasopharynx/Paranasal Sinus/Skull Base
- Oral Cavity
- Oropharynx/HPV Related Disease
- Radiation/Adjuvant Treatment
- Reconstruction/Microvascular Surgery
- Salivary Gland
- Skin Cancers