Dear Colleagues,
As we prepare to attend our first in-person AHNS Annual Meeting in three years, I want to take this opportunity to share with you some of the amazing work our society has accomplished. Before I do, though, I want to thank all the AHNS Executive Committee and Council leaders for their sound guidance and decision making this past year. Thank you, also, to Drs. Jim Rocco and Jeff Liu, for putting together the upcoming Annual Meeting during COSM. It is the compilation of impressive science and engaging networking opportunities, and I am very excited to experience this meeting with all of you. I would also like to thank all our members, those who serve on services, sections or participate in any way your schedule permits, as it’s the membership that continues to be the life blood of this great organization.
During my last President’s Message, I mentioned that the Executive Committee was about to embark upon an in-person retreat during the Multi-Disciplinary Meeting in Phoenix, Arizona. I am proud of what we were able to accomplish in just a short period of time and I would like to share with you some of the initiatives we will be focusing on in the near future:
- Development of a comprehensive membership retention, recruitment and marketing plan
- Stronger engagement with our international partners and colleagues, especially as we gear up for the 2023 International Conference
- Creation of a focus group of non-surgical colleagues, who are an important part of our multi-disciplinary approach to oncologic care
- Creation of a roadmap that will provide guidance to our section and service leaders as it relates to all AHNS educational content
- Review and recommended increased research grant funding. The AHNS R&E Foundation will be looking to increase funding for our research grants, which will also help attract additional surgeon scientists to our society and provide fuel for innovations and new discovery in our field.
We are always looking for dedicated and passionate people to help us accomplish the goals of the society and I encourage all of you to become involved in the AHNS. It has made an impact in my life and career I hope you choose to actively participate. You won’t regret it.
Thank you, again, for your membership. I hope I see you in Dallas for our meeting at COSM and as always, please do not hesitate to reach out to me through our AHNS headquarters office ( Stay well!
Bert W. O’Malley, Jr, MD
President, AHNS