1. What is the main purpose of the AHNS Myers’ Family Summer Travel Fellowship?
To expose early career medical students with limited ENT exposure to the specialty through the AHNS Myers fellowship program. Please click the link here to watch an overview of our specialty and disseminate to your URM M1 and M2 candidates of the AHNS Myers’ Family Summer Travel Fellowship in Otolaryngology.
2. Who is the ideal candidate?
Ideally the candidate is between year 1 and 2 of medical school. Some applicants between year 2 and 3 may have the ability to participate as a fellow award winner but this depends upon their medical school year academic calendar.
3. Who is eligible to apply?
Students must be in good standing at an accredited US medical school.
4. What are the dates or length of the summer fellowship? How many weeks long the program is and what time frame you have students working with you?
We can be flexible with dates. We seek for the experience to be meaningful given the logistics entailed.
5. Summer/early fall is going to be really important in thinking about sub-internships for myself. Is the Myers’ Family Summer Travel Fellowship a good way to build rapport with other ENTs and possibly get a letter of recommendation that may help me this application cycle?
If a commitment to apply to the specialty has been made, a formal sub-internship is a better way to accomplish this goal.
6. How long is the Myers’ Family Summer Travel Fellowship?
This is a full time commitment during the months of the fellowship.